iGUESS-MED in the 5th Mediterranean Water Forum, 5-7 February 2024, Tunis.
Our coordinator Alejandra Navarro Garcia in the Session 6: Digitalization and new solutions for rational resource use, resource efficiency with the speech "iGuess-MED: A decision support system for the fertigation management of tomato in Mediterranean greenhouses".
Check out the full program: https://www.5forummw.com/en
iiGUESSmed is coordinated by CREA - Ricerca and is part of the #PRIMA Programme supported under Horizon 2020, the European Union's framework programme for research and innovation EU Science & Innovation.
#bioplanet, OTRI - Universidad de Almería, Grupo Cajamar, Grupo La Caña, Akdeniz Üniversitesi - Ziraat Fakültesi, #CRRHAB-Res.Projects